👋 Hey Reader! Here’s what I’ve got for you in today’s issue of WFH Dads: Balancing work & household responsibilities as a WFH dad (without feeling overwhelmed) What I’m watching - A productive day in the life of a new dad Recent issues you may have missed Balancing work & household responsibilities as a WFH dad (without feeling overwhelmed) When you work from home, it’s easy to let household responsibilities slide. You’re in the zone with work, and suddenly the day’s gone, and the house is...
8 days ago • 4 min read
👋 Hey Reader! Here’s what I’ve got for you in today’s issue of WFH Dads: Why I'm changing my journaling practice after 15 years What I’m checking out - Idea to income guide Recent issues you may have missed Why I'm changing my journaling practice after 15 years I’ve been journaling for over 15 years (and almost every day for the last 10). At first, it was a way to track how I spent my time—proof that I was getting things done. I’d log everything I accomplished, reflect on how productive I’d...
22 days ago • 4 min read
👋 Hey Reader! Here’s what I’ve got for you in today’s issue of WFH Dads: Work trips as a WFH Dad – What to do before, during, and after What I’m Recent issues you may have missed Work trips as a WFH Dad – What to do before, during, and after On Friday, I got back from a 6-day work trip. My company, Kit, has two all-team retreats a year. This one was in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico 🇲🇽. When you work from home, a work trip hits differently. Your family is used to you being there—helping with school...
about 1 month ago • 5 min read
👋 Hey Reader! Here’s what I’ve got for you in today’s issue of WFH Dads: How I simplify meals as a WFH dad (without meal prepping) What I’m reading : Habits of the Household Recent issues you may have missed How I simplify meals as a WFH dad (without meal prepping) I’ve never been a fan of traditional meal prep. The idea of spending hours on Sunday cooking a week’s worth of food—and then eating meals on Friday that have just been sitting in the fridge for 5 days—just doesn’t appeal to me. If...
about 2 months ago • 4 min read
👋 Hey Reader! Here’s what I’ve got for you in today’s issue of WFH Dads: 7 essential WFH dad gadgets for 2025 What I’m reading - Way of the Warrior Kid Recent issues you may have missed 7 essential WFH dad gadgets for 2025 Happy New Year fellow dads! With the start of the year, I thought it'd be fun to share some essential gadgets I use all the time as a WFH dad. These things help me: keep my energy levels up keep my kids occupied when I need to work keep my floor clean of toddler crumbs (at...
2 months ago • 6 min read
👋 Hey Reader! Here’s what I’ve got for you in this last issue of WFH Dads of 2024: How to reflect on your year with 3 simple questions What I’m watching : Beast Games Recent issues you may have missed How to reflect on your year with 3 simple questions Since I was a kid, I've always been one to document things in my life. I remember using my dads old camcorder to film simple life moments before the word 'vlog' even existed. And I've been journaling almost daily for years. At the end of the...
3 months ago • 4 min read
👋 Hey Reader! Here’s what I’ve got for you in today’s issue of WFH Dads: How to deal with the isolation of working from home What I’m watching - Deadpool & Wolverine Recent issues you may have missed How to deal with the isolation of working from home Working from home has its perks—no commute, more flexibility, more time with family. But there’s one downside that impacts dads in particular. It’s the isolation. It’s already tough enough to make friends as a grown man. Add remote work and...
3 months ago • 3 min read
👋 Hey Reader! Happy Thanksgiving week to my friends in the US! Here’s what I’ve got for you in today’s issue of WFH Dads: How to raise resilient kids (without lectures) What I’m watching - The Chosen Recent issues you may have missed How to raise resilient kids (without lectures) Big moment for me recently—I got promoted to blue belt in jiu-jitsu. Typically, folks go from white to blue in about two years. Me? It took seven. Talk about a flex. 💪 When I started jiu-jitsu at 30, it was something...
4 months ago • 3 min read
👋 Hey Reader! Before I get into the newsletter, I’ve been thinking a lot about what we’re all trying to balance—work, family, health, maybe some side projects or just finding time for ourselves. It’s tough, and over the years I’ve learned a few things that have really helped. I’m opening up a couple of spots in my coaching program for anyone interested in working on: balancing work and life time management systems strengthening job security through a strong personal brand If you’re curious or...
4 months ago • 5 min read
👋 Hey Reader! In today's issue of WFH Dads: My favorite apps as a WFH dad What I’m watching - fun things to do with ChatGPT advanced voice mode Recent issues you may have missed My 5 favorite apps as a WFH dad If you didn’t know, before I was a social media & YouTube strategist at Kit, I was in education for 11 years. That last year was actually working at a 3-person startup where we were training teachers in how leverage technology in their classrooms. I’ve always been a technology nerd and...
4 months ago • 7 min read