Helping dads be more productive in their work and present in their families. Newsletter every two weeks on work/life balance, time management, fitness, fatherhood, marriage, and home office setups.
How to make time to workout as work-from-home dad
Published 9 months ago • 4 min read
👋 Hey Reader!
Here’s what I’ve got for you in today’s issue of WFH Dads:
How to make time to workout as a work-from home dad
What I’m reading - a book on email marketing
Question from the community - what questions do you have?
Let's get into it.
How to make time to workout as a work-from-home dad.
Maintaining your fitness boosts your energy levels, lets you play with your kids without getting winded, and shows your partner that you’re still making the effort to be fit.
Unfortunately, once work gets busy, the workout is usually the first thing to go (if it was ever planned in the first place).
A few challenges include:
Lack of Time: Work deadlines, taking the kids to school, watching them to give your partner a break…finding time to exercise can seem impossible. ​
Lack of Space: Not everyone has access to a gym or even space at home for workout equipment. ​
Lack of Energy: You may only be able to work out in the evening and by that point, you’re already drained. ​
Lack of Motivation: With no one there to keep you accountable, it can be tough to show up each day for the workout. ​
Unpredictable Schedules: When your children’s needs and work demands are always changing, sticking to a workout routine can be difficult.
Despite all this, you HAVE to find a way to incorporate fitness into your day.
Here’s how you can overcome some of the obstacles.
Step 1: Schedule your workouts like you would a meeting
Decide in the beginning of the week what day and time you will be exercising and put it on your calendar.
This helps turn exercise into a routine, rather than something you try to fit in if there’s time.
What this could look like:
Put this on your Google Calendar or your weekly tasks (see mine in Notion below).
Whether it’s a 30-minute run in the morning, a mid-day jiu jitsu class, or a push up routine after the kids go to bed, deciding beforehand when it’s going to happen increases the likelihood it happens.
My week-at-a-glance in Notion
Step 2: Find a way to look forward to your workout
If you can find a way to enjoy your workout, you’re more likely to get started, which is 90% of the battle.
What this could look like:
For me, I go to a mid-day jiu jitsu class twice a week. I’m terrible at jiu jitsu, but I love it. The other days of the week I either do mid-day run or a push up / pull up routine in the house.
To make those even more enjoyable, I love to catch up on podcasts.
If you’re just getting started with exercise, take a 15 minute walk around the neighborhood in the middle of the day while sending a video message to a friend (I love the app Marco Polo for this)
Step 3: Involve your kids
Making exercise a family activity not only helps you get your exercise in, but also models a healthy lifestyle to your children (so much more powerful than just TELLING them exercise is important).
Sure, you probably can’t do deadlifts and bench presses with the little ones, but a less ideal workout you DO is better than the perfect one you DON’T.
What this could look like:
For me, my 4 year old likes to get on my back when I do pushups (at least for the first 5, I can’t do my whole set with her on my back!). And both her and my 1 year old love when I raise them up on the pull up bar in between my sets.
The double-running stroller has come in clutch as well. They get some fresh air and I get my miles in. Bonus points if my wife isn’t working and can join us.
Bonus step: Workout while working
You don’t have to wake up early or wait until you’ve got a break from Zoom calls in order to work out. There are opportunities to work out while you’re working.
What this could look like:
If you have a ‘sit & listen’ kind of meeting:
log in to Zoom on your phone
turn your camera off
put some headphones on
go for a run / walk / lifting session while listening.
If you hear them talking about something where you NEED to see the slides, just pull your phone and take a quick look.
I find when I do this, I’m paying MORE attention than if I was sitting in front of my computer full of distractions.
Note: this obviously won’t work for calls that involve more of your participation.
I’d love to hear from you
Hope this gives you some ideas on how to you begin to make physical fitness a more regular part of your routine.
I’d love to hear from you though.
How do you maintain your physical fitness while working from home, or what challenges do you face in doing so?
Reply to this email and let me know—I read and reply to every message.
As I was ramping up to start this newsletter, I wanted to make sure I was doing things right.
While I work at an email marketing company and know a lot about it, I knew Brennan would provide a ton of valuable insight (and he has!).
I think all work-from-home dads should develop their personal brands online, and while you don’t NEED a newsletter to do that, this book is a great one to pick up if you want to turn your personal brand and newsletter into a proper business.
Question from the community
Something I want to do is include questions from the community in this newsletter.
I’ll share those questions and then readers like yourself can send in your replies.
I’ll then share the best replies in the following newsletter.
So I need you to submit your questions about the challenges of being a work-from-home dad!
Helping dads be more productive in their work and present in their families. Newsletter every two weeks on work/life balance, time management, fitness, fatherhood, marriage, and home office setups.
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